, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: REVIEW AND GIVEAWAY OF THE AUDIOBOOK SAFE HAVEN BY N. SPARKS, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Friday, November 12, 2010


Safe Haven
In Safe Haven, a mysterious woman Katie shows up in a small town called Southport, North Carolina. Katie is a beautiful young woman who tries not to become close with anyone in the town. Many questions are raised about her past. She becomes involved with two relationships reluctantly- one with Alex a widower with two young children and is very kind to her and another with a single neighbor, Jo. Katie slowly lets her guard down and starts to establish her self in the community and has become very close to Alex and his family.

She is starting to fall in love with Alex but she is still haunted by her past that caused her to leave home and move to Southport. He neighbor, Jo gives her some support but Katie must decide if it is better to move on and move from place to place to protect her self or stay find a safe haven in the town. What will happen to Katie? Does she leave? I guess you have to find out to read the book.

My Thoughts.

I have not always been a fan of romance novels or movies but I have found Safe Haven quite different. I have felt that some of  the author's books to be your typical romance novels. There was romance, danger, and many twists and turns that kept me reading on. The novel was slow starting in the beginning but then I was able to get into the story quickly. I enjoyed the Narrator of the audiobook and it was easy to follow. The main character, Katie, had a dark past and she realizes that running away from her problems may not be the answer at all. I enjoyed the book.


Thanks to Hachette Book Group, I am able to give away two copies of this book.

No PO Boxes.
US and Canada residents only.
Prizes will be sent by the publisher.
Only one copy per household allowed.

To Enter-
Please put all entries into one comment. Thank You!

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CONTEST ENDS  11/26 at 12 MN Eastern

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the audiobook for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.

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  1. I'm in need of a new audiobook - great to do while prepping/cooking T'Giving dinner!

    - I follow via GFC
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    APSkap (at) comcast (dot) net

  2. +1 Please enter me in your giveaway I love audio books!

    +3 I am a follower via GFC (kalea_kane)

    +2 I follow you on Twitter @kellyblackwell and tweeted

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  3. +1 Commenting! Thanks for the great giveaway (:

    +3 Following!


  4. +1 I'd love to listen to this audio book.
    +3 GFC Follower.


  5. Hey! Good review, although I do think it is a little short. I've read two novels by Nicholas Sparks and both are phenomenal! I'm really trying to read more of his stuff.

    +1 Comment. Thank you for the giveaway!
    +3 Google Follower (LostinBelieving)
    +1 Liked on Facebook (I'm Alison Catherine)

    Total: 5 Entries


  6. +1 Thank you for the giveaway!
    +3 follow via GFC
    mstlee2000 @

  7. Hi. I have never tried an audio book. I think it would be something I would like. Could you please enter me? Your review made me want to read this! Thank you. ~Laurie
    1. Please leave a comment with your email. +1 yep
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    geneveve2 at gmail dot com

  8. +1 I'd love to listen to this audio book.
    +3 GFC Follower.
    Thanks for a chance to win this wonderful giveaway!

  9. Thanks for the contest!
    deidre_durance at hotmail dot com

    1. Please leave a comment with your email. +1
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    3. Follow me via twitter (@ginger_high) and Tweet about the contest+2
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  10. I would love to get this book for Christmas +1
    I follow you on Tweeter and tweeted about this giveaway +2 @ ASDsupportNC

  11. I found this review to be intriguing and one that I think I would take pleasure in listening too. Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway.


  12. I have heard wonderful things about this book. Please enter me, thanks. +1
    FB follower +2



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