, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: BLOG TOUR AND REVIEW OF SHEDROW BY D. DELUKE, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Friday, October 15, 2010


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Join Dean DeLuke, author of the thriller novel, Shedrow (Grey Swan Press), as he virtually tours the blogosphere on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book!

Shedrow is a part medical thriller and part racetrack thriller. It’s actually been dubbed a cross between Dick Francis and Robin Cook, because while it is a racetrack thriller in the spirit of the Dick Francis stories, the principal character in Shedrow is a surgeon, not a barrister as in many of Francis’ books. So there’s plenty of medical drama as well here.
The story centers around a multimillion dollar stallion who dies under some very mysterious circumstances on a supposedly secure and placid breeding farm in Kentucky. The principal character, Dr Anthony Gianni, is a plastic surgeon with a successful career and a bad marriage. He had worked on a thoroughbred farm in his youth, and he becomes involved with a thoroughbred partnership as a diversion—that diversion evolves into a sequence of events that ultimately leads to infidelity, sabotage, and murder. (Description from here)

About the Author-

For my debut novel, I relied on my background as a surgeon and my experience with thoroughbred horses to deliver true-to-life drama from the racetrack as well as the operating room suite.
I am a graduate of St. Michael's College, Columbia University, and I recently went back and received an MBA from Union Graduate College. In addition my activities as a surgeon, business consultant and writer, I also perform volunteer work with many charities and medical missionary work with Health Volunteers Overseas.
My involvement with thoroughbred horses spans several decades--from farm hand on the Assunta Louis Farm in the 1970s to partner with Dogwood Stable at present
I'm often asked which authors most influenced my writing, and I would have to list the three who were truly my mentors in learning the craft: Michael Palmer, Tess Gerritsen and Robert Dugoni.
Author's Website 


My Thoughts-

I have always loved horses and I really enjoyed Shedrow. My mom also read th novel and she enjoyed it as well. Let me give you her perspective of the book. When she was going to college she worked for OTB and got to know the racing world quite well. She said that the information in the book was very accurate. She read some novels by Dick Francis and Robin Cook and she felt that Shedrow was just as good. The author has a passion for horses and the racing world and that is evident in his novel. There were twists and turns and I never expected .... to be the villain. What a great debut novel and I hope that the author continues to write in the future.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book from the author and I was not compensated for my review.

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