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Friday, September 17, 2010


Rasputin's LegacyIn Rasputin's Legacy by T. M. Carnes, Giorgi Lazarov has the ability to predict the future that was inherited by his grandfather, Giorgi Rasputin. The only person that knew about the gift was his grandfather but now Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin know about it as well.  Hitler learn of him from a witch and Stalin finds out when insane prostitute in an asylum claims that she had Rasputin's child. Actually she is Giorgi's grandmother. Both Hitler and Stalin want him and they send in paid assassins to find him. They want to use his power for their cause or to kill him and make sure he cannot be used against them. When his village is taken over and he is separated from his parents, Giorgi  has to live in a cruel world and face death daily. Can Giorgi change the world and will Hitler or Stalin capture him?

About the Author- 

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Troy Matthew Carnes is a native Mississippian and a graduate of the University of Mississippi. He has twenty years experience as an educater and a coach. He teaches English, Spanish, Journalism and Coaches basketball. He currently lives in Colorado with wife Courtney and their son, Colt. This is his first novel.

Author's Website

My Thoughts-

I do not always like to read books about history but when I read this book I was captivated. I loved the book because the plot was great and the characters were believable. The book was well researched and I felt that I was right there in the action. There was a lot of suspense and the ending was just right. I wonder what book the author is working on now and I hope that he continues to write in the future.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book from the author and I was not compensated for my review.


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