, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: BLOG TOUR AND REVIEW OF FULL MOON AT NOONTIDE BY A. PUTNAM, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Full Moon at Noontide: A Daughter's Last Goodbye (MEDICAL HUMANITIES SERIES)
Full Moon at Noontide: A Daughter's Last Goodbye is a wonderful memoir about the author's mother, father and his identical twin. The story takes the reader through the journey of the end of life: selling the family home, re-location at a retirement community, doctor’s visits, ER visits, specialists, hospitalizations, ICU, nursing homes, and Hospice. The memoir included humor,sorrow, joy and terror and unfortunately death. While the author was revising the book her husband was dying of cancer and he passed away before she could finish the book. When the book was completed, it was three months after he passed away.

My Thoughts-

My grandmother passed away when I was twelve years old ( I am sixteen now) and I had many fond memories of her. My grandfather is still alive and is eighty years old. When I had the chance to read the book, I was a little reluctant and my mother said that it was good for me to read it. I enjoyed the book and my favorite twin was Henry. Boy, was he a character and he made me laugh. I read the book on vacation and I had difficulty putting it down. I volunteer weekly in a local nursing home and I can see how hard it can be to care for the elderly and all the emotions that go along with caring for them. The author is an excellent writer and she gave me a different insight into life. I have learned that even the most independent person may need some assistance in their lives when they grow older and may have to rely on a nursing home to care for them. I recommend the book to everyone not to make them depressed but to learn a little about aging.

About the author-

 Ann Putnam  teaches creative writing and women’s studies at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington. She has published short fiction, personal essays, literary criticism, and book reviews in various anthologies such as Hemingway and Women:  Female Critics and the Female Voice and in journals, including the Hemingway Review, Western American Literature, and the South Dakota Review.  Her recent release is Full Moon at Noontide: A Daughter’s Last Goodbye.  You can visit her website at

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book from the author and I was not compensated for my review.


1 comment:

  1. Sweet review. Thanks for linking up to the party. It's nice to check out new blogs!



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