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Tuesday, May 11, 2010


This Is Why You're Fat (And How to Get Thin Forever): Eat More, Cheat More, Lose More--and Keep the Weight Off

According to Jackie Warner, "Being fat isn't your fault; staying fat is." In her book This is Why You're Fat, she shows you how to lose weight and inches quickly without depriving yourself and doing grueling workouts. There are behaviors that make you fat and with Jackie's core principles you can learn to make you thin forever:

1. ADD TO LOSE- With her 2-week jump start you add foods to your diet and no food is forbidden.

2. CHEATING IS ALLOWED- After you eat clean for 5 days, you can indulge in anything you want over the weekend.

3. FAT IS NOT THE ENEMY- She says that sugar makes you fat and you should have no more than 9 grams of sugar.

4. SKIP THE CRUNCHES- They only make you build muscle under the fat. It is important to find the best and fastest way to burn calories, tone muscle and increase your metabolism for rapid weight loss.

5. LESS (EXCERCISE) IS MORE- You do not have to spend hours working out. Give her 20 minutes and you will see results.

So if you head to the gym, follow Jackie's advice:

Gym Etiquette

If anybody knows about proper gym etiquette, it’s me. I own a gym and have to constantly stay on top of my staff to follow the rules. A lot of clients tell me that they’re intimidated by gyms because they feel they don’t know how to use the equipment or feel they are out of place, in the way. Part of feeling comfortable in the gym is knowing the rules of a gym.
I’ll clear up a few of these for you, so you can go into any gym with confidence.

✱Learn the proper operation of equipment. If you’re unsure of how something works, ask for assistance.

✱ Pick up after yourself. Put your weights away. The next people in line don’t want to hunt around for the weights they need or, worse yet, try to remove the weights you left out.

✱ Allow people to “work in.” Many people do multiple sets on the weight machines, then sit on the equipment during their recovery time. If someone is waiting to use the same machine, the proper etiquette is to allow her to work in or do her set while you recover. So do your set, get off, and let the other person work in.

Don’t be shy about asking someone if you can work in, either. However, don’t work in if there are already two people waiting to use the same equipment.

✱ Don’t drop weights. Not only is dropping weights dangerous for your toes, but it damages the equipment and the floor. The rule of thumb is: If you can lift it, you can put it down gently.

✱ Observe time limits on cardio equipment. Some gyms have time limits (usually thirty minutes) on the cardio equipment (treadmills, elliptical trainers, stationary bikes, and so on), especially during peak hours. If you see people waiting around to use your type of machine, be especially conscious of the time limit.

✱ Wipe your sweat off the equipment. Gyms are notorious places for spreading nasty germs like staph infections, so practice good hygiene. And always lay a towel on the equipment to protect yourself.

✱ Don’t disturb other gym goers. The gym can be a great place to meet other healthy
people. But don’t be too chatty. You are there to work to intensity. Stay focused on
your goals.


There are many diet books out there and so called miracle pills on the market. But do they work? In the book, she talks about balance in your body chemistry, and hormones. She explains what foods will help you to maintain the balance so you can lose that unwanted fat. She says that the biggest culprit is sugar. Most of us eat too much sugar every day. The author supplies all the tools to help change the way you look at food. She also says that exercising is an important part of losing weight. There is a section in the book that explains all of the exercises and how to do them correctly. I have joined a gym with my mom and it has helped me stay motivated but you can do them at home. There is a section in the book with some recipes to help you get started. I recommend this book for anyone who wants some motivation to get started.

Check out the article posted on the AOL fitness site.

The book even made it to the New York Times Best Seller List this week.


Thanks to the folks at Hachette Book Group I can giveaway 3 copies of the book-

US or Canada only.
No Po Boxes.
Prize will be sent by the publisher.


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Win a copy of This is why You're Fat by J Warner #Giveaway from @ginger_high Enter here Ends May 26th
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Contest ends May 26th at 12mn Eastern

Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of the book by the Hachette Book Group for my honest review and I was not compensated for my review.


  1. I would love to win this giveaway.
    Love & Hugs,

  2. I follow via GFC.
    Love & Hugs,

  3. 1= Hello,I could really use this book! Even though I am an expert on dieting, I always gain it back. I would like to know Jackie's Secret.
    3= I follow on GFC = trishden
    1= Shared on Facebook here:!/profile.php?id=1040503706&ref=profile
    1= Sent a friend request to follow on Facebook = Trish Froehner
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    9 entries total...Thanks for a great giveaway

  4. I would love to win this book, many get tips.

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

  5. I would love and really need this book


  6. I like her comment that cheating is allowed after eating clean for five days.

    rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

  7. I could really use this book, and would love to win a copy. Please enter me. Thanks!


  8. I would love to have this book!

    +1 comment
    +3 Google follower.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  9. Thanks for the chance
    +1 entry for a comment
    +3 entry for Google follow
    +1 For following me on Facebook (mrstinareynolds)
    +1 entry for Twitter Follow @mrstinareynolds

  10. The winners are

    Anita Yancey
    Rebecca Graham

