, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: GUEST POST BY BARRY POLLACK AUTHOR OF FORTY-EIGHT X: THE LEMURIA PROJECT, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Friday, May 7, 2010


I want to welcome Barry Pollack to Books R Us. Barry is the author of Forty-Eight X: The Lemuria Project. He is presently touring the blogosphere on his virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book! Thanks for stopping by.

"Five Things I Learned About My Book After Becoming an Author."

 (1) While you have to consider that you write for a particular audience, you have to foremost be true to yourself. You can’t please everyone. I have read comments about my book that have noted that “there’s too much sex,” and then another that “wanted to see more romance.” Or, “the science interrupts the action,” and another who “found the scientific jargon fascinating.” Keep an audience in mind but trust your own vision.

(2) Several people that have read FORTY-EIGHT X want to know if there’s a sequel in the works. They want to know what happens next. Anything can happen next. Afterall, I write fiction. I felt, however, that the story had to end when it did. But my characters lived and if enough people buy and read the book and clamor for more, well, they can live on. And, I can almost guarantee you they will if my book’s ranking rises dramatically on Amazon, if Oprah becomes a fan, or if Tom Clancy, Elmore Leonard or James Patterson call with a word of praise.

(3) I love writing. I abhor marketing. But there’s no point in being a writer if no one reads what you’ve written so I have accepted the latter task and, as I am forever learning how to patch words together, I am learning how to find an audience for them.

(4) No matter how many times you proof your work and an editor as well, someone will find a typo.

(5) What joy there is when a reader enthusiastically describes one of your scenes or characters; it’s the pride one feels when someone lauds your children. As a new author, I am excited to communicate with readers and hope they’ll take the opportunity by visiting my website:

1 comment:

  1. Being a book addict I always enjoy hearing things from the authors side, I enjoyed this post-thank you, and I'm adding this to my 'to read' list! (Raine on rafflecopters)


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