, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: GIVEAWAY AND REVIEW OF THE BRIDEGROOMS BY ALLISON PITTMAN, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


The BridegroomsThe bridegrooms is set during the turn of the century and is about four sisters (Vada, Hazel, Althea and Lizzy Allenhouse) who were abandoned by their mother when they were very young. Their father who is a physician works in the basement of their house and he has become consumed by his work. The oldest sister Vada, must keep the family together. All the women are single and available. Vada is engaged to a lawyer, Garrison, who treats her very well. They all get excited when the baseball team called The Bridegrooms comes to town. There is an accident at the ball field and a man called Eli is hit with a stray ball and knocked unconscious. They bring him to Dr. Allenhouse and he cares for the injured man. Each of the girls has their own unique story that is intertwined into the plot.

The girls take turns caring for Eli who is unconscious for a week. Althea, who has not spoken since her mother's disappearance has an attraction for the man and sticks by his side the whole time writing poems and jotting in a journal. 

Hazel is constantly looking for love and she is sends letters all over the country looking for the perfect husband. Does she find him? I will never tell you.

The youngest sister Lizzy is very popular with the boys and they are always following her around. Does she meet the right man? I guess you have to read the book.

While the injured man is in the house, Vada is attracted to the star pitcher of the team and she has to make a difficult decision. What are the girls to do? Will they find Mr. Right? Those questions are answered in the book.

About the Author-

Allison Pittman is the author of Stealing Home, the Crossroads of Grace series, and her nonfiction debut, Saturdays With Stella. A former high-school English teacher, she serves as director of the theater arts group at her church. Allison makes her home in Texas with her husband and their three boys. Learn more about the author at

My thoughts-

When I first looked at the cover, I thought that the book was about four girls looking for grooms, and I was surprised to find out that it was the name of a baseball team. The book was beautifully written and was easy to read. All of the characters had their own story that was combined perfectly and I was able to connect to each character. Romance novels are not my favorite genre but I really enjoyed this book. I look forward to reading more of Allison Pittman’s novels.

AND NOW FOR THE CONTEST-   Thanks to the publisher I am able to give away one of these books.

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Contest ends Sat May 4 at 12mn Eastern time.
Good Luck.

 Disclaimer: This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group and I was not compensated for my review


  1. +1 Awesome contest!
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  2. I would love to read this book. It has to be funny with all the girls looking for

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    Laest: Ginger_High Ginger High- Books R Us: GIVEAWAY AND REVIEW OF THE BRIDEGROOMS BY ALLISON PITTMAN check out the review and win a copy Retweeted by you 7 minutes ago

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  3. I like that each sister has her own story woven into the story.

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  4. +1 good, I like novels about that time period
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  5. +1 entry for a comment ~ this sounds like a book I'd enjoy, I like historical books.
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  6. This sounds interesting.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  7. +1 Sounds a little bit like Little Women
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  8. I'd like to read this one.

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  9. +1 I would like to read this book, it sounds very interesting.

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