, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: REVIEW OF THE SEROTONIN POWER DIET, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


In the book The Serotonin Power Diet , the authors explain how boosting serotonin can help curb your appetite and change your mood. Carbohydrates trigger Serotonin production in the brain and this can be used to your advantage. We all have a lot of stress in our lives that can cause us to binge eat and gain weight. The book has a section that helps us deal with stress and gives very useful tips in how we can manage it. There are many recipes that are in the book, but my favorite was the Asian chicken wrap. I have lost 5 lbs. on the program and I feel good about myself. The book also stresses that exercise is a major part in weight loss and there is a chapter dedicated to it.

The book was easy to read, and gave us real life examples of people who shared their temptations and what strategies they used to overcome them. I have always thought that eating to many carbs caused you to gain weight, but if they are eaten at the right time and in moderation they can actually help you lose weight. The plan provides a 12 week guide that not only tells you what to do but why you are doing it. I recommend the program to everyone who needs a jump start to lose weight correctly and for good.

Disclaimer- I received a free copy from FSB Associates for my honest review. I was not compensated for my review.


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