, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: BOOK TOUR AND REVIEW OF THE CUTTING BY J. HAYMAN, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


James Hayman’s first novel, The Cutting, is a fascinating and intriguing novel. Detective Michael McCabe moves from New York City to Portland, Maine to get away from his tragic past: His wife leaves him for a banker and the tragic death of his brother, a hero cop who turned crooked. He wanted to get away from the violence in the big city so he can raise his daughter in a safe area. He never expected the violence that he found in Portland.

There is a young girl found dumped in a scrap-metal yard. She was assaulted and her heart cut from her chest. The incision was perfect as if a surgeon removed the heart. The same day another young pretty girl was abducted while jogging in the morning. He feels that the crimes were committed by the same man, and with the help of his partner Maggie Savage they investigate the crimes. To make matter worse, his ex-wife returns after she abandoned them many years ago. She wants to reclaim their daughter. He has to deal with his ex-wife and finding the killer. Who did it? I do not want to give more of the story away. I guess you would have to read the book to find out the answer to that question.

Read an excerpt-

About the Author-

Me and Mike McCabe: A Short Bio of the author and his hero.

Like McCabe, I'm a native New Yorker. He was born in the Bronx. I was born in Brooklyn. We both grew up in the city. He dropped out of NYU Film School and joined the NYPD, rising through the ranks to become the top homicide cop at the Midtown North Precinct. I graduated from Brown and joined a major New York ad agency, rising through the ranks to become creative director on accounts like the US Army, Procter & Gamble, and Lincoln/Mercury.

We both married beautiful brunettes. McCabe's wife, Sandy dumped him to marry a rich investment banker who had "no interest in raising other people's children." My wife, Jeanne, though often given good reason to leave me in the lurch, has stuck it out through thick and thin and is still my wife. She is also my best friend, my most attentive reader and a perceptive critic.

Both McCabe and I eventually left New York for Portland, Maine. I arrived in August 2001, shortly before the 9/11 attacks, in search of the right place to begin a new career as a fiction writer. He came to town a year later, to escape a dark secret in his past and to find a safe place to raise his teenage daughter, Casey.

There are other similarities between us. We both love good Scotch whiskey, old movie trivia and the New York Giants. And we both live with and love women who are talented artists.

There are also quite a few differences. McCabe's a lot braver than me. He's a better shot. He likes boxing. He doesn't throw up at autopsies. And he's far more likely to take risks. McCabe's favorite Portland bar, Tallulah's, is, sadly, a figment of my imagination. My favorite Portland bars are all very real.

My Thoughts-

The book was terrific. I was hooked from the first page. The prologue was very creepy and terrifying. Those elements set the stage for what was to come later on. All the medical information was accurate and that made the story very realistic and believable. The author wrote a novel that was not only scary but humorous at well. I never lost interest in the story and when I thought I knew who the killer, there was a new twist that occurred. This is a great debut novel and I cannot wait to see what he writes next.

I recieved a free book from the author for my honest review. I was not compensated for my review.


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