, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: REVIEW OF HELP MY TEEN IS DATING DVD AND BOOK SET, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Friday, January 8, 2010


Help! My Teen is Dating by Mike Domitrz

Interactive and insightful DVD for parents of teenagers

When I received the DVD in the mail, I could not wait to watch it. I had read so many good reviews about the program. I watched the program with my mom and we both enjoyed it. The author and presenter of the program was so tuned into the teen population and what is happening in society now.

The topics discussed in the DVD are:

  • How and when to start the talk and get your teen to listen.
  • The best way to discuss the dangers: from alcohol to sexual assault.
  • Necessary skills to get your teenager to make good choices.
  • Three questions that define whether your teen should be dating.
  • Essential tips to fun and safer dating for your son or daughter.
  • What to say to your teen's date!
  • The exact words for addressing intimacy.
  • The power of "Asking First!" How to establish clear and reasonable boundaries.
  • How to truly "be there" for your child.
Help! My Teen is Dating is not only educational, it is funny and engaging. Mike used role playing to describe the topics covered and he always had the audience involved in the conversation. There were parts that he was very serious but when he discussed the more difficult topics humor was used.

Included in the package was two books  May I Kiss You? and Profiles of Courage.
 May I Kiss you? is a companion guide to the DVD and discusses the topics in more detail.
 Profiles of Courage is the personal stories of 12 survivors of sexual assault. One of the survivors was his sister who was raped. That changed Mike's life and he realized that he had to make a difference.
 Both books were well written and very informative.
For more information please visit The Ultimate DVD/Book Combo for Parents of Teenagers
For more information on Mike visit

My mom was so impressed with the DVD, she is going to recommend it to the PTA at my school.

Thanks for reading.


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