, pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ginger High- Books R Us: REVIEW OF SO PUNK ROCK(AND WAYS TO DISAPPOINT YOUR MOTHER), pub-4807045201008872, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Monday, December 21, 2009


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SO PUNK ROCK by Micol Ostow & David Ostow

I won this book from the Young Adult(&Kids) Books Central Blog. The book combines a graphic novel with a regular novel. The story shows the relationship between four teens who start a band called "The Tribe". The main character Ari Abramson is the mastermind behind the band. He wants to be cool and impress a girl called Sari. He enlists the help of three other students from his Jewish Day school. Jonas is his best friend and has no trouble being cool. Yossi plays the drums and his sister, Reena, who belongs to the school choir will be the singer. They get their chance to show their talents when they play at a friend's Bar Mitzvah. Everyone was so impressed that they became an overnight sensation. Read the book to find out more. You will be very impressed.

The illustrations placed throughout the book were hilarious. There were some terms in the book that I was not familiar with since I am not of the Jewish faith. The authors provided a glossary that was not only informative but very funny. I usually do not read graphic novels but I did not skip any of  graphics that were in the book.
Check out the site  to see some of the illustrations and read  about the authors.

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for the review of this book.


  1. Looks good. I love it when author's combine different elements for their novel. I'll definetly be picking this one up.

  2. Sounds interesting...I read another book not that long ago that kind of combined the two genres a little bit...called, I Love You Beth Cooper. Listed as a fiction title, but includes some graphic novel moments. Thanks for sharing a little on this book! I've seen it around the blogosphere recently and was wanting to see what the fuss was about...
    Happy Holidays!


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